Friday, December 3, 2010

Time Flies

When my husband worked as art director for a casual fashion magazine, he brought home a t-shirt with a simple, but memorable, messge: Time Flies Whether You're Having Fun or Not. It has been so long since I've posted to this blog that I had to search for it with the "Tobolowsky" tag.

Time has flown, and so have I. In October I went all the way to Jordan and back(the "back" part being equally important). I was on a press tour sponsored by the tourism board, so the food was good, the lodgings were even better and the schedule was grueling. Rather than lounge in those posh hotel rooms, we spent most of the trip on a tour bus, crisscrossing the country as the board tried to show us everything that might lead us to rave about Jordan in our newspapers/magazines. We had a blast. I would recommend Jordan to even the most reluctant traveler--of which I am one whenever a flight is involved.

When I had the opportunity to revisit Russia half a decade ago, I was nervous about the trip. But Jeff wisely pointed out: "You can take the chances that are given to you, or you can spend your life being afraid." Since time flies no matter what we're doing, we cannot be reluctant about life.